I Met My Husband There-So Did My Sister.
I grew up going to Grand Isle a lot, my Daddy, with the help of my older brothers, built a camp there. In Aug 1961, my parents let my sister and I and a few friends go to the camp by oursleves. I was in college, my sister had already graduated from college and was teaching. On the first day we went to go to the store to get food and we were stopped by this handsome young man in uniform who was from New Mexico-the Army from Camp Leroy Johnson in N O, was having maneuvers there and a heavy piece of equipment had gotten stuck in the sand-he was stopping traffic so they could get another piece of equipment to move it. He invited us to come back that afternoon-there were bleachers set up on the beach for the public. Of course we went. He saw us and introduced us to another Army guy who was from Tex-and the rest was history. We had a double wedding 3 months later, my husband passed in 2011 after 49 yrs and 2 mos of marriage and my sister and her Army guy are still married after 53 yrs of marriage. Thank you Grand Isle!