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Comments from visitors

Carol O Donnell
Madisonville, LA
November 18, 2019

We bought a camp in 1994! We have 3 daughters, 2 son in laws and 3 grandboys! We all live to come to the island as often as we can! Making memories in our little piece of paradise!

Douglas Sherwin
Baton Rouge
February 21, 2019

My father bought seafood and sold ice to fishermen for my grandfather, Ed Martin. The dock was on bayou Rigoud. We lived in Greta at the time but would spend the summers on the island. My earliest memories were from my third grade year, 1957-58. I went to Grand Isle elementary school, which I’m sure was destroyed by hurricane Betsy. At that time you could walk the beach from one end to the other and not see many camps. I remember it snowing and we made a snowman that was both snow and clam shells that were picked up while rolling the snowballs. We used to be able to crab from the pier from the camp to the dock when the tide came in until the area was built up for parking. I remember several tarpon rodeos and the filming of one episode of Route 66. The production company bought a shrimp box from my dad and removed all the nails and replaced them with small wooden dowels for use in a fight scene where the box was used to hit someone and fall apart. I remember leaving the island while hurricane Audrey was in the gulf and driving alone bayou Lafourche. The highway was under water and it was a treacherous drive. We used to get visits from aunts and uncles who came to the island to fish. My uncle Ivy Frickey would also come to trawl and crab.

February 21, 2019

I have visited Grand Isle many times since 2005, but the last time was very memorable. It was spring of 2015. There were yellow birds everywhere, even on the beach, perched on the jetties. I knew that this was unusual. They really looked out of place with the terns, pipers and brown pelicans. I wandered into the woods next to the supermarket past an orange tree where I could see there were many more of these little bright yellow warblers. I had never gone into those woods. On the trail in there I met birders, some with huge long lenses on fancy cameras. I asked about the birds, and one of them explained that there had been a “bird drop”. He said that sometimes birds returning across the Gulf of Mexico would hit bad weather or head winds that just wore them out so that the whole flock would just drop down on the first land they encountered, and this time, at least, it was Grand Isle.

Robert Kranz
gulfport ms
February 21, 2019

Grand Isle has been part of our family since the 1860s when my GGgrand father built the Grand Isle Hotel there. He maintained the hotel and the vessels that brought visitors from New Orleans UNTIL the hurricane of 1893 which took the hotel and nearly killed John H Kranz.

Raelynn Clark
Pensacola florida
February 21, 2019

I grew up on Grand Isle. My grandmother and grandfather called it home for over 65 years, along with my mother and father for 30. My Uncle currently resides there, and every summer since I was 3 years old I’ve been spending on Grand Isle. This place is my Second home. And the one my heart holds most dear. Apricot Lane is where I learned so much of my family history, tears and laughter over huge tables of crawfish and potatoes. Watching the sun set underneath the house while sitting on Grandpaw’s swing. Chasing toodaloos down the road and into the swamps. I will continue loving this place and all of my memories it has given me.

Beverly Gremillion
Baton Rouge
February 21, 2019

I have been going to the island since I was 7 years old. Which was around 1970. Both my parents and my grandparents had camps on Suzy behind Bridgeside. I grew up on “the point”. No grass, just sand. You could see and walk straight across to the rocks from Suzy to go fish. Never a better time in my life. You could also ride motorcycle 🏍 which I did to get most everywhere. We were never “watched” I have no idea how myself or my little brother never drowned. We were in the water by ourselves, I had one of those blow up boats that we went all over the bay in. No supervision at all and we lived lol! It was great! Whatever I caught my grandparents fixed and we ate it same day! No “bait” to catch crabs... you need a bucket and net. Scoup them out of the surf! There was a doughnut shop not far from Bridgeside, but when you are a little kid it seemed like it took forever to get to! I have had the great opportunity to have a camp now as I am quite older to bring my grandkids to! The island is “my Blue Heaven”!

Linda cohn
November 11, 2019

The Nautical store on Grand Isle Left a lasting “sound” memory for me. As I walked into the shop the sounds of the various wind chimes were heavenly!! I purchased a beautiful chime sculptured out of oyster shells. It hangs in the passage way to my living room. Now when I miss Grand isle I simply walk under it and fan my hand through it. Voila I’m immediately transported to the Isle once again.

Rachel Perdue
Hamlin, West Virginia
November 18, 2019

We stayed at Xtreme Beachside RV Park and the owners were above an beyond the bests hosts we have ever met. They treated us more like family than customers. We enjoyed our stay and walking the beach, seeing the porpoises and pelicans. Food was delicious, friendly local people. Mardi Gras parade was loads of fun. We plan to return.

Luling, LA
November 18, 2019

I went here about 3 years ago with my boyfriend & his family for Father's Day weekend. I loved going to the beach & seeing the dolphins!

Lori Rink
Morgan City
November 18, 2019

Im 62 years old and when i was very young our vacations were in Grand Isle. The whole bunch of us, 5 kuds, Mom and Dad and my Mama Freeman would load up our station wagin and head for the beach. We used to stay in a rented cabin. We would swim, crab and fish. So many happy memories there. As an adult when i cross the bridge i roll down my windows. I breathe in that salty air and the memories fill my head. I will always love this special place called Grand Isle.

Southern IL
November 18, 2019

Grand isle was amazing. We rented a beach house, went tuna fishing, spent time on the beach, and did some frozen daquiri drinking. It was ana amazing time with the family. Beach wasnt crowded at all.

Vanessa Kingen
Houma Louisiana
November 18, 2019

I’m now 57 years old. I remember going there when I was a kid with family and parking on the beach and enjoying the day in the water and in the beach.
Things have really changed but I still enjoy going there for the day and walking the beach, watching the waves, relaxing especially in the early evening

Cecilia, Louisiana
November 18, 2019

Back in the late fifties, (yes, I'm old) my family vacationed on Grand Isle. We usually stayed at Chiasson's Water Edge Cabins. I remember a movie theater was either next door, or very close by. At least once during the week that we vacationed there, mother escorted my sister and I to "the show." I can almost taste those fantastic fried shrimp poor boys that we smuggled in.
There was another large building next to the regular cabins that was owned by the resort. In a time, before my time, I was told it was a "honky tonk." The building looked huge to me. It was up on pilings, close to the beach, had dressing rooms on the ground level (which were actually rented out to vacationers during periods when all the regular cabins were occupied) and huge windows that let in the gulf breeze. I think the windows had counter weights to facilitate opening them. I was happy when we couldn't get one of the regular cabins. The parents were not so thrilled, but I loved to explore the old place. So many memories. Anyway, my questions is: Was the old honky tonk called Beach Heaven or Beach Haven. Thanks for any input. 🙂

Tammy Skorcz
November 18, 2019

My husband and I travel there every September for the past 5 years. It’s an awesome place. I picked it because I decided one year I just wanted to travel to the fatherest place in Louisiana so I picked Grand Isle and fell in love with it. It’s not a place to go if you want shopping malls and tons of restaurants but it is a place to go to just relax. It has great fishing, friendly people, and just a nice atmosphere. We stay at Cajun Tide Resort and they are so nice. We were fishing from where the boats unload last year and a group of teenage boys came by to fish and they were the most polite and well mannered teenagers I had seen in awhile. Their parents should be very proud of them. Well with all of that said it’s an awesome place to go to for fishing and just getting away

Raelynn Clark
Pensacola florida
February 21, 2019

I grew up on Grand Isle. My grandmother and grandfather called it home for over 65 years, along with my mother and father for 30. My Uncle currently resides there, and every summer since I was 3 years old I’ve been spending on Grand Isle. This place is my Second home. And the one my heart holds most dear. Apricot Lane is where I learned so much of my family history, tears and laughter over huge tables of crawfish and potatoes. Watching the sun set underneath the house while sitting on Grandpaw’s swing. Chasing toodaloos down the road and into the swamps. I will continue loving this place and all of my memories it has given me.

Denise Callahan
November 18, 2019

November of 1953 was my first time in Grand Isle. My brother and mother were both born there along with many aunts, uncles and cousins. My Grandfather Nocess Terrebonne and grandmother Biz Terrebonne were known to everyone on the Island as well as all their 10 children, my mother was Eugenie. My Grandfather was the one who stole the Cheniere Church Bell and my brother wrote the story for the bell and it's replacement back to it's original position. My grandfather also had his picture in the Times Magazine seining the beach. Grand Isle has always been my home and always will be. The happiest times of my life were spent there growing up with my relatives and friends. The cherished memories of the times when there was no electricity, no school and no English spoken, will stay with me, my children and grandchildren throughout our lives. I miss the times we had and when the Island and beach were so beautiful. Like a lot of the women my mothers age, during the war met their husbands and along we came.

Tammy Skorcz
November 18, 2019

My husband and I travel there every September for the past 5 years. It’s an awesome place. I picked it because I decided one year I just wanted to travel to the fatherest place in Louisiana so I picked Grand Isle and fell in love with it. It’s not a place to go if you want shopping malls and tons of restaurants but it is a place to go to just relax. It has great fishing, friendly people, and just a nice atmosphere. We stay at Cajun Tide Resort and they are so nice. We were fishing from where the boats unload last year and a group of teenage boys came by to fish and they were the most polite and well mannered teenagers I had seen in awhile. Their parents should be very proud of them. Well with all of that said it’s an awesome place to go to for fishing and just getting away

Athens Tennessee
April 1, 2022

My husband had been coming to Grand Isle for years to fish, imagine that! One year he asked me to come with him. He warned me that I may not love it because there’s not a lot to do...what?!?! I found so much to do. Some really great people introduced this Tennessee girl to crabbing! I absolutely loved walking that beautiful quiet beach and just relaxing! I started walking up and down looking for places for sell. Thirty years and many many visits later our dream cam true. We now have a camp there and spend almost have of our time there. Our family loves that beautiful peaceful little island!

Leah Tosenberger Proffitt
Tucson, Arizona
April 1, 2022

I grew up in Brimfield, Ohio but my mother was from Baton Rouge, LA. From my birth (1959) until I was about 16 or 17 we would go down to Baton Rouge in the summer to visit grandma and grandpa and my two uncles and my aunt. We spent one week in Baton Rouge and one week down on Grand Isle. The island was my favorite place in the world to be. In the beginning we stayed at a camp owned by the Wilkerson family and then as I got older, we would just rent a camp. The beach was awesome even after it started getting "oily" it still was a beautiful place to be. My dad would go surf fishing and the mullets would nip at the moles on his was so much fun. We would go crabbing off the bridge and then have a big "boil" at the camp. Usually several of the relatives would come down too so I got to hang out with my cousins on the beach and camp. I grew up as we all do and lived my life far away from Ohio or Louisiana but my memories of Grand Isle will never go away. Beautiful people and beautiful island! Thanks for the memories that will last forever!

Deborah Behre
I was born in New Orleans and lived there for 26 years. I then went o school in San Francisco and now I live in Olympia, Wa
April 1, 2022

My great grandfather bought Tropical Ice Co in New Orleans. It became Pelican Ice Co. Then my grandfather, Ted Behre owned it. Then my Dad, Dan Behre, owned it until he sold it about 5 years before he died. He worked at Pelican Ice before and after WW 2. At one point, he was a truck driver and used to deliver ice to Raceland. His aunt, my great Aunt Ellie, was a zoologist and a professor at LSU. She used to spend part of her summers at Grand Isle doing research and Dad used to visit her there. My Dad took our whole family to Grand Isle when I was a kid. Then, when I was a junior in high school, my boyfriend and I went fishing in Grand Isle. When I visited NO several years ago, I took my niece to visit the island. She went camping there with friends the following year. Every time I visit NO, I always take a trip to either Grand Isle, Yscloskey or Delacroix Isle or all 3. If I bring friends, they get to see those areas too. While my NO friends tease me, I know that those are the true treasures that Louisiana has to offer - and while my friends also get to see the city of NO, I know that the vast array of waterways and wildlife should never be missed on a trip to New Orleans. I hope their preservation continues. I will be back as soon as I can come home again. It's my family tradition.

David Masters
Mexico Beach, FL
April 1, 2022

I've been down the road y'all are headed down. My hime town of Mexico Beach, FL was completely devastated 10/10/2018 by hurricane Michael, but we came back. It is a hard road and we are still rebuilding, but we've made great progress.

If y'all need help let us know.

God Bless,
David Masters
Mexico Beach, FL

Emma Aschenbrenner
March 17, 2023

I came down to Grand Isle to help people rebuild their homes. The people there are so sweet and I felt like I was at home! Grand Isle stood out to me because the people still had faith in rebuilding the Island. Im beyond blessed that I got to be apart of rebuilding homes and listening to the stories. Being at Grand Isle was a amazing experience that will last a lifetime because I have never seen anyone be so open minded about rebuilding the island. The island is one of kind and I hope one day I can go back and see how far the island has come. Thank you all for the best week ever and believing in us.

Tony Davis
Canton, Illinois
March 17, 2023

I lived on Grand Isle in 1982. I attended 6th grade at Grand Isle school. I only lived there for one year but I have lots of memories. I often wonder about all my classmates and how they are doing. I did make it back for a visit in 1998 but that was the last time. I just want to send my best to the people of Grand Isle. The last 20 years have been heartbreaking. One disaster after another. As I check in today, you all should be proud. The fact that you all keep fighting and working together to keep Grand Isle coming back over and over again is an amazing thing! It is a beautiful place worth saving! God Bless you all!

Jill B Nelson
Windsor, NY
March 17, 2023

We stayed at Grand Isle SP in the spring of 2021. We snowbird during the winter months to get away from the cold in New York State. Grand Isle wasn't on our initial itinerary, but bad weather in certain areas that year changed our plans, and we found Grand Isle. It was one of the nicest areas and campgrounds we've ever stayed at. The folks also were so friendly. One camper gave us her special gumbo for dinner. Found a great place to get a haircut and Artie's was the first bar we actually sat in and had a drink after some of the covid restrictions were lifted. Was so sad to see what Ida did, but glad we got a chance to visit the island. We hope to get back someday. Here's a YouTube video we did of our adventure. If you have any trouble viewing it, just go to "Geezers on the Go" and click on the link.

Karen Luckett
March 17, 2023

We came in 2015 and never left. This is a magical, exciting, beautiful, little piece of heaven n I Will die here! Thanks to the Islanders we are Islanders ourselves. ✌️ No matter what I do for the rest of my life I will always live here in peace. ✌️ Others have ventured to our peaceful and exciting island but can't live without big city lights. My paradise is here.✌️😜

Karen Luckett
Opelousas Louisiana
March 17, 2023

Danny Thomas is my Angel in every way possible. He is a true Saint. He's responsible for saving millions of children from their graves back to good health. I am so grateful Danny Thomas was a normal everyday Dad Husband son brother and friend but gave his money time and kindness to all the sick children with cancer. Daddy Thomas savef my baby boy from an early death.

Joan McMorris
Baton Rouge
March 17, 2023

My ex husbands Mom and Dad spent many a summer vacation at Grand Isle. One time as we camped on the beach a very bad storm came up the winds were whipping the tents badly and lightening was striking close by. My Mother in Law was a praying lady. We were all crammed up in the cab of the truck and she was rebuking and praying. This was in the late 1970s.
Oh how I loved crabbing off the shore and she loved to fish for specks. That was some good eating when she fried it up with some fresh shrimp on the Coleman stove.
Hard to pick one memory though another comes to mind when my sis in law saved my life. We had waded out a little ways in about waste deep water and next thing we know a bad riptide is rushing hard around us. She was a strong yet petite lady she pushed against me with all her strength to keep me upright. I would have probably drowned had she not been there to hold me up.
I hope to go back someday to go fishing.

Lawrence Hamilton Pugh
Thibodaux, Lousiana
October 22, 2024

Grand Isle, Louisiana, holds a special place in my heart, filled with unforgettable memories of our family camp on the Gulf. The salty breeze, the sound of waves crashing on the shore, and the laughter of family gatherings created a tapestry of joy and tranquility that I cherish deeply.

Every summer, we would pack our bags and head to Grand Isle, eager for the adventures that awaited us. The camp was more than just a place to stay; it was a sanctuary where time seemed to slow down. Mornings began with the sun rising over the Gulf, casting a golden hue on the water. We'd often start our days with a hearty breakfast, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingling with the scent of the sea.

One of my favorite activities was heading down to the docks to buy shrimp straight off the boats. The dock was always bustling with activity, fishermen unloading their catch and exchanging stories of the sea. It was here that I met some of the most colorful characters, whose lives were as intertwined with the gulf as the nets they cast. Their tales of adventure, resilience, and camaraderie fascinated me and left a lasting impression.

As the years went by, these experiences became stories I wanted to share with the world. My wife and I decided to write a book, using Grand Isle as the backdrop. We wove our cherished memories and the vibrant personalities we encountered at the docks into the fabric of our story. The result was a narrative that captured the essence of Grand Isle—the beauty, the simplicity, and the profound sense of connection to the sea.

Grand Isle is more than just a place; it is a part of who I am. They have shaped my life and fueled my creativity, giving birth to a book that hopefully will allow readers to experience the magic of Grand Isle as we did.

Dive into "Dinner with a Vampire"

A few early reviews:

5.0 out of 5 stars a captivating journey
Reviewed in the United States on April 24, 2024
Verified Purchase
What sets "Dinner with a Vampire: A Taste of Immortality" apart is its unique combination of dark romance and culinary arts. Blending elements of suspense, mystery, and passion, the novel offers you a glimpse into a world where love and danger intersect. With its richly drawn characters and evocative settings, this book is sure to leave you hungry for more. Whether you're a fan of romance, mystery, or culinary fiction, "Dinner with a Vampire" offers a delectable feast for the imagination

5.0 out of 5 stars Wonderful blend of culinary art and human intrigue
Reviewed in the United States on April 28, 2024
Verified Purchase
The book is a Fascinating combination of very interesting culinary information as well as an intense story of love in Paris. I particularly enjoyed the Louisiana portions since I am from that area. The book held my interest from start to finish and I thoroughly enjoyed the recipes and wine pairings at the books conclusion.
Many thanks to all involved for an excellent read!

5.0 out of 5 stars Dinner With A Vampire: A Taste of Immortality
Reviewed in the United States on May 19, 2024
The book captures you from the very beginning as the story leads you across the world from South Louisiana to Paris France. The details are incredible and you have a sense that you can visualize Juliette’s passion for all things.
The authors have done an excellent job of capturing a dark world of romance, intrigue and passion intertwined with the wonderful experience of French Foods and Wines. We loved that the book included menu selections including recipes of classic French Dishes.
Hoping for a sequel!!

July 14, 2015

Last year, as of 2014, I caught a 4 foot blacktip shark. We were fishing somewhere near Mendicant Island (Near Queen Bess Island.) We saw a fin and it was not a porpoise for sure. It didn't show it's tail like a porpoise did and would not show any other part of it's body (except it's fin.) My dad cast over where it was heading. We were using a popping cork and a mullet head. Then, the cork jerked down! I reeled and got the shark right by the boat. Then he got hung in the anchor, broke my pole, and swam off.

Elyse Kohan Waddell
Maurepas, LA
February 4, 2015

We camped at the park every "long weekend" my shift working dad had during the summer. Hard core tent camping. Great family time! Dad was a helluva fisherman and he passed it to his kids. Many a sandwich hit the sand when he'd get into a school of speck and yelled for us all. Still love Grand Isle, Dad is gone now, but I know he's with us every trip we make there. My kids and grand kids have the fever now!

Sheila Bladsacker
Covington, LA
February 4, 2015

TARPON RODEO 1989 - A girlfriend and I went to Grand Isle to enjoy the rodeo and party with friends down by the marina. We boarded the HARD HEAD where lots of our friends were gathered to celebrate everything GRAND ISLE, when this guy walked up to me, handed me a beer, and shortly thereafter introduced me to his friends as THE THIRD LOVE OF HIS LIFE! Of course, I thought he was drunk and crazy! But I ran into him again around Gretna and in December 1989 we began a long term relationship. We married in May 1999. That's a TARPON RODEO I'll never forget! Luckiest day of my life!

Mayra Duran
I Am from Uruguay , Now I am Baton Rouge
February 4, 2015

I love Grand Isle, I am Uruguayan and last time my son saw the ocean was 2003, he was 2 years old.... And then finally we went to Grand Isle after mmmm...I think 8 years ... Like you can see was really really cold but he said "do not worried mom THIS IS THE PARADISE".... I think the same and my daughter does not know about beaches ... For her beach= Grand Isle
Also for them was first time they saw dolphins . I love Grand Isle and my family too.

Debra Spedale Guilliams
Born in Baton Rouge La.Live in Denham Springs
February 9, 2015


Drew Ross
February 11, 2015

I visit GI several times a year. In August I brought my family down and we had a great time. See my blog post for complete details (many others also). Love GI!

taina euggino
Walker la
February 11, 2015

Well for me it started about 17 yrs ago. My partner and I set out on a road trip and somehow ended up on la 1 and the rest is history. Rode until the island ended. Turned around and ended up at elmers island. I ended up catching a ted fish by the bridge...with partner is from virgin fishing poles there. Needless to say went to shop and got a pole for her and rest is history. We stayed at waterfront edge where Mrs June showed us hot spots to fish on island as well as Mr Joe at gulfstream. We now have a camp on carminada pass where our neighbors are wonderful. Locals are like our family. For me other than tiger stadium...there's no place I'd rather be.

Melissa Moore Orvis
Bourbonnais, IL
February 24, 2015

When I was a little girl in 1981 & 1982, my family moved from Illinois onto the island. My dad worked offshore and it was just me and my mom most of the time while he was working. Because I wasn't old enough to be in school at the time, most days were spent exploring the island, usually barefoot. I remember the feel of the old seashell streets on my feet and running through the tall grasses to play tag in the old cemetery. I remember dodging the spiderwebs in the palm trees. I remember when the beach didn't have the big hill and you could see the camps just steps from it. I remember fishing off of the old fishing bridge that used to be the old highway, and going with my grandma to the library that used to be just around the curve from the marina when getting onto the island.

But, in 1982 my parents moved to Houma and eventually Cut Off before relocating back to Illinois in 1987. Years went by and I got married and had kids of my own. I often spoke of the island to my husband and shared my barefoot tales with my children. In October of 2013, after about 30 years since I first lived there, my husband and I decided to take our kids there. My husband hadn't ever been to Louisiana, let alone the island, and I was excited for him to see what I had been talking about all those years, and interested to see if my memory of the island was as romantic in reality.

Although the small towns lined along the bayou had changed some, and the road to get there different, once getting on the island, I couldn't believe how much I remembered about the island. A lot of the houses I remember were gone, due to storms and age. The fishing bridge was different. The seashell streets were just asphalt. The library moved. The beach was different. Yet, the essence of the island remained unchanged. The people were warm and gracious. The pace laid back and easy. The food still awesome. We all loved it so much, we made it back two additional times, just recently this past Christmas and New Year's Eve. Best of all, I was able to make contact with an estranged family member who I was unsure was still alive, and he was. This really made the island no longer a vacation spot, but really made it home again.

Almost everyone I know has never heard of Grand Isle. Those who know we've been there a few times ask why we would keep going back there instead of going to Florida or somewhere more "exciting" or "exotic". I simply say, "It's home". It's where I was for a short time as a child, but somewhere I've never forgotten. More importantly, I feel blessed to have taken my children there, to have given them the memories I had when I was young. To them it is new, but for me, I'm home again.

Lee Ann Humphries
Born and raised in in Texas
February 24, 2015

Grand Isle means so much to me. Being there gives me such peace. Mainly, because I'm always there with my best friend of many years. We enjoy walks on the beach, long talks, seafood, music and just being together. Usually, years pass before we can spend time together since I no longer live in Louisiana. Lisa and I have actually spent way many more years apart than together. My family moved away from Thibodaux after living there only 2 1/2 years. I have always missed that perfect little town and its perfect people. Being at Grand Isle for a week or so, with Lisa and bringing our families together is just so amazing!! Lots of fun and lots of sun at the just can't beat that!! When we are together on the is beautiful!!

Dave Underwood
Denham Springs
February 24, 2015

Coming from a poor family and having a afterthat did not fish iI made it to adult hood before my first at age 21. It was a business trip with Austin Packing company when I was with a food broker that handled their 3 pigs sausage. My first trip to the Island and saltwater fishing. It was a fun and exciting trip and Iwould love to say it was love at first sight, but iI surprised my emotions because as a newly web I new it was not a life style I could afford. Years later when my son was 12 years old and I had a comfortable income I stumbled upon a business card for a fishing guide and decided to treat my young son. Arriving on the Island brought back my memory of that first trip and with luck it was a wonderful day with full boxes of fish and days of smiles on my boys face. Within weeks we owned a boat and have explored the waters from Golden Meadow to the Island weekly for the last 25 years. The Island and surrounding not only provided me with many days of personal pleasure, it has served as a bonding point for a father and son. May we all realize what a jewel we have and take steps to save it for all the sons and daughters for future generations!

Trixy Dean
Melbourne, Ar
March 30, 2015

My family used to go to Grand Isle at least 4 to 5 times a year. I grew up in French Settlement Louisiana. My favorite memories of Grand Isle is when we would stay on the beach, my sister and I would bury the other one in the sand. And I remember one time when we got our dad to put up the tent close to the water and then the next morning we were almost in the water because the tide came in. When I had my on family I also took them to Grand Isle and I couldn't wait to bury my kids in the sand. They had so much fun as well as I, it brought back such great childhood memories that I hope to take my grandchildren to Grand Isle to create their own family memories. Grand Isle is and has always been my favorite place, it is my Cajun Riviera.

Judith Rodrigue Johnson
Originally from Lockport, Lafourche, LA, now living in New Mexico
April 9, 2015

I grew up going to Grand Isle a lot, my Daddy, with the help of my older brothers, built a camp there. In Aug 1961, my parents let my sister and I and a few friends go to the camp by oursleves. I was in college, my sister had already graduated from college and was teaching. On the first day we went to go to the store to get food and we were stopped by this handsome young man in uniform who was from New Mexico-the Army from Camp Leroy Johnson in N O, was having maneuvers there and a heavy piece of equipment had gotten stuck in the sand-he was stopping traffic so they could get another piece of equipment to move it. He invited us to come back that afternoon-there were bleachers set up on the beach for the public. Of course we went. He saw us and introduced us to another Army guy who was from Tex-and the rest was history. We had a double wedding 3 months later, my husband passed in 2011 after 49 yrs and 2 mos of marriage and my sister and her Army guy are still married after 53 yrs of marriage. Thank you Grand Isle!

valerie cantrelle
cut off, la
April 27, 2015

So alot of people thought the BP spill in 2010 was devastating which it was, but that's when I met the love of my life!!! I just started bartending at the old Beach Club then switched to the famous Arties Sports Bar. My now fiance (which im still getting used to saying) was working for The Response Group. After a year of knowing one another I asked him to go to a Crossfade concert that was in Houma. And that was the night he asked me to be his girlfriend!!! We have been through lots of trials and tribulations but had the best 4 years I could've ever imagined with him. So on Easter morning he planned for just us to go fishing in Grand Isle, which we didnt catch anything. But we went onto the old bridge to fish. As we decided to move to another fishing spot, I was hooking my line up and Brian was calling my name and as I turned around there he was down on one knee with THE RING!!!! I was so shocked of what was happening. And of course I said yes!! We kissed and hugged and then there were some guys with their kids near us yelling if we just got engaged. We said yes and people started clapping for us. I just thought screw the fishing, lets go tell the family. It was a great way to start a new chapter in our life with the idea of how he proposed. To me he couldn't have done it better. And now to be with the greatest man ever is just amazing. Grand Isle is our place where we met and fell in love and instead of "We'll always have Paris," "We'll always have Grand Isle! !!!

becky bowles
baton rouge
April 27, 2015

Our family had a camp on Grand Isle from late fifties to middle sixties. The memories there are so precious to me. We had great times swimming, fishing, and crabbing on the island. Great times with family and friends make me happy to recall. No tv or cell phones just the warm breezes of lazy summer days that went by too fast. Wish I could recall all of them.

Mike James
Lottie LA
February 3, 2015

We kicked our volleyball off of our boat FLIPPER in October thinking it might make it to the Keys or Cuba with the note-
To Fidel From Mike with a phone number on it. We made the Port Aransas newspaper 3 months later! 377 miles in 60 days!
The wrong way!

Charlotte and Ray Adams
N. LA near Monroe, LA/ Mer Rouge on the Bayou Bonne Idee
September 22, 2015

Ray & I built a house there, lived there for 10 yrs. With Heart problems we sold our home there and moved nearer Drs & Hospital.
Now we visit G.I. occasionally and travel in our Camper and stay at the State Park. Would love to reestablish on G.I.

December 3, 2015

Hi there,

Congratulations! Grand Isle is one of the winners of The Culture Trip’s Louisiana's Local Favorite 2015 Award! We know you're as passionate as we are about giving Louisiana and its amazing local towns the global spotlight they deserve.

Please share the good news on your Facebook page and we will post about you on our Facebook page, which has more than 200,000 followers. Some articles get over 100,000 readers this way, bringing new customers to the places we feature. Find out what we said about your town here:

An extra perk is the Award Badge attached to this email. Adding the Badge to your website and linking it up to the article will let every visitor know that you’re one of’s Local Favorites 2015. The article links back to your site too. We already attract more than 25 million visitors per year, and given the enthusiasm for this project, we expect the number to continue to grow.

Congratulations again and do get in touch at - we'd love to do a short e-interview with you and get to know you better. Also, if you would like an award sticker for your Tourist Information Office window, just let us know.

Warm regards and we are looking forward to hearing from you!


Edward kemp
Illinois / now West Bank
March 14, 2016

My father in law showed me grand island for the first time 10 years ago aim not going to lie I fell in love with it . Last year I entered the September red fish Roido and I caught the biggest one last year 2015 39. 9 pounds it was great . The grand isle people welcomed me and my wife with open arms . On Sunday's we go to church down on the isle, then try to get a few hours of fishing in before going back home . Grand island is the place to go to relax , to enjoy friends with , even bring my family and grand kids to enjoy the weekend . Thanks for having us the people of grand isle.

kenny heimburger
Rantoul, Illinois
March 14, 2016

I visited your wonderful island in Dec of 2014. I took care of my father the last 4 months of his life. [died 11-04-2014] It was the house we built after a tornado took the one I grew up in, and seriously injured my mom.[passed 1-14-2014] tornado 11-17-2013. After two years of Hell I needed to kick back in the worst way. Stress level was to the MAX. I knew it was an off season for fishing but that was ok,.I needed to get away from the destruction of my home town and let things settle down in my mind. Grand Isle was the perfect place. The people were so friendly we found a place to do laundry on Christmas Day then the owner came in and gave us our Quarters back, sweet girl! Then we went crabbing and fishing not much bit that afternoon but had a blast with the crabs, as we don't have them up here. I hope to be able to visit during the hot fishing season,... someday. But the time I spent there is a ''Grand'' memory and the stress relief I was able to get was even better. Thanks again for your wonderful town and the great time We had hope to visit again soon.

Jerry Washington
Staten Island,New York
March 26, 2017

ME &My Family had the best Family Vacation last year with the best Saltwater Fishing around. Could you please send me your 2017 Visitors Guide&Fishing Information in the mail to my address which is 221 Nicholas Ave in Staten Island,New York,10302.Thank You.

Southeast Arkansas
March 26, 2017

Grand Isle is one of my favorite places to visit and kayak fish. The people, the area and the community are truly special. Here's a short blog post and a video I made.

Doug Jourdan
Austin, Texas
May 10, 2017

In the first half of 1956 I worked as a Payroll Clerk in the District Office of Humble Oil & Refining Company located in Grand Isle, Louisiana (GILA for short). I was very young then & I have fond memories of my time in Grand Isle. I spent my leisure time on the beach, at T Man's Bar, the movie theater, & at the lone restaurant that was there at that time. One isolated memory I have from the movie theater is of the film breaking & the dozen or so people who were in the theater hollering impatiently for the movie to come back on, & the lady projector operator hollering back at the crowd to "keep your shirts on".

Does an oil company still have an office there? If so, which company? (Humble Oil & Refining Company was replaced years ago by Exxon.)

Are there any old timers left there that remembers life in that time period? I'd love to get some feedback.

Jamey Haddock
Collinwood Tennessee
July 19, 2017


Hello everyone, my name is Jamey Haddock. I often think of Grand Isle. The unfortunate catastrophic event of Hurricane Katrina brought my National Guard unit (251st MP Co) to your quaint little Island. Our unit had just returned from overseas duty in support of "Operation Enduring Freedom" in the spring of 2005. I had taken a new job upon our return and was in training not long after being home. I remember those August days watching the events unfold daily leading up to landfall. Two days after Katrina made her way ashore, we got the call. Our MP (Military Police) Unit was packing up to fly to New Orleans, so we did just that. Not long after landing, we were moved out to a Parrish (and I cant remember which one) and eventually settled in on a community center. We made that our Operating Base. Im still not sure where the order came from, but my Platoon was to travel each day by convoy to Grand Isle and help in anyway possible. I was the Platoon Leader at the time. One of the things I remember the most is how the people surronding that community center took us in and made us feel at home. Of course our Unit was self-supporting in regards to food, fuel and other commodities, but there was always a special meal for us at least once a day. The folks in the community provide us gumbo, shrimp boil and more. It was great! Like I said, my Platoon of MPs were traveling to Grand Isle each day to work on anything we could. Some of my soldiers cleared debris. Some of the troops worked in the grocery store (I cant remember the name) to help clear our all the sediment of the passing surge. Some of us helped to cover open tombs in the cemetery. Part of the Platoon worked and helped in the eventual Red Cross distro center. There were so many things going on I cant remember them all. I can honestly say that the people of Grand Isle were so humble and hard working. They didn't drop their heads and wait for others to make the moves. These folks on the Island rolled their sleeves up and took the bull by the horns. It was very impressive to roll in at the Fire Department each morning. This is where we would start each day. We recieved the requests for where we were needed and took it on like a mission. I think we spent almost two weeks on the Island. The experience me and my troops had there will continue to impact our lives for many many years Iam sure. One day I want to come back down and visit you guys and see how the Island looks back in its beautiful state.

PS- Thanks again to those who traveled up to Tennesse and put on the biggest and best cajun cookin' I have ever partaken. This was the best thanks you all could have ever given, cause we like to eat in Tennessee!!!

Best wishes,
Major (R) Jamey Haddock, Tennessee Army National Guard

Earl Dearman
Brandon Ms
July 23, 2017

Every weekend earl and me would go to grand isle. Whether we would go out with Doc Kennedy or fish in the shallow waters it was the best time of our lives. Now that we are in our older years we want more than anything to make our final trip to grand isle. It probably will take us two days where it used to take an after work adventure. Earl is nearing 80 and this is something I have to make happen. Leon was our deckhand. So many wonderful memories there. We will be back hopefully soon. Our last venture! Love the people. Love the atmosphere. I can't wait!

January 9, 2018

A few years ago, my husband and I decided to take a family vacation. We searched a few places before settling on Grand Isle. I'm honestly greatful we did. My kids were able to experience the ocean for the first time and we made some amazing family memories. We would definitely come here again.

Carolyn Gnyp
June 19, 2018

When I was 12 my Mother remarried and we moved from Tacoma,Wa. to Houma,Louisiana. Reason being Step Father worked on the riggs in the gulf.Well the marriage did not last long before he moved on and we were there not knowing many or the area to well.So my Mom took a job at the Ramada Inn as a hostess she ended up meeting so many friendly people. I remember someone inviting us for a weekend to Grand Isle for camping. I remember my Mom smiling so much that weekend which I had not seen from her in a long time. The people were so friendly and it was so beautiful that we ended up coming back many times in the next five years before moving back to Washington.
I just want to say Thank Y'all for putting that smile back on Mom's face. I am now 58 and Mom passed in 2009 but I will never forget the awesome time I had with my Mom there!
Thank You,
Carolyn Mae

Troy Brodsky
Grand Island, Nebraska
June 19, 2018

Greetings from Nebraska!

We recently had the opportunity to spend several days with you all down on the island - it was absolutely beautiful, and we so enjoyed everyone's hospitality. It wouldn't take much to convince us to become full time residents.

My son desperately wanted to get hooked into a 'real' fish this year after losing some of his enthusiasm for catching blue-gill at our local pond. We came to Grand Isle as part of our photography business, and had the opportunity to get out on the pier one calm afternoon. Being from Nebraska, we've done our fair share of fishing from the shoreline, so being up above the action was great fun - a couple of hardhead, a cute little drum, and a few stolen baits later, we'd already spent several hours up there laughing and talking to the exceedingly polite residents who ventured out to see the ocean. My son was standing by his pole as we all pointed out dolphins on the horizon when, just like in the movies, the pole bent in half, the drag whined, and the line took off. It was unlike anything that he'd ever experienced and for a long moment he just stood there watching it - absolutely transfixed. Only when the pole threatened to fly off into the ocean, did he grab it and lay into the biggest fish that he'd ever had on. It was worth every moment of the drive down to you guys to see he and the fish fight for bragging rights. From way up on the pier, we caught glimpses of the fish in the water - fins and splashes and ominous stretches where it disappeared entirely. In the end, Nick landed a 31" red drum, by far his largest fish, and without a doubt his favorite fishing experience ever. (And he's done a lot of fishing that kid.)

We'll be back again in January to create photographs and promotional cinema for a local realtor and charter company, and wanted to see if you all would be interested in having us do the very same for Grand Isle itself. We'd love to put together some stunning images for your website and publications, and create a fully customized cinema(s) for you to use throughout the year as you let folks know just how beautiful it is on your shores (activities, events, lodging, and more). We've done this all over the world this year - a dozen countries and twice as many states, but we keep being drawn back to you guys.

Feel free to take a peek at some of our work below, and if you're interested and making your website, publications, and promotions really stand out, we'd be happy to talk about the possibilities.

All of our best!
Troy, Heather, and Nick (the twelve-year old über-fisherman)

Martial Broussard
Lafayette LA
February 21, 2019

In the late 1940s I am a toddler too young even for kindergarden. My mother and father motor the family to Grand Isle. Memories of the
trip are as pristine as the pre-oil island was in those days. The most vivid is my first, but not the last, dolphin encounter. My older brothers, then about 12 years old, excitedly call my attention to the beach, "Look! Look! Bootsie-- Dolphins!" And indeed, there they were. Four large shadows inside and paralleling the breaking surf. It is much more than the pure joy in my brothers'voices that embeds this experience. It is,rather, the distinct recognition that I am experiencing the feeling of a privileged viewing. Over the following years this mystical attachment to the natural world becomes validated over and over as I relive the exact same feeling in sunrises, sunsets, solar/lunar eclipses, wildlife photography, biological studies, travel, more dolphin meetings and in sharing environmental activism with others who understand the very basic human need to connect with the privilege of ecological oneness. Martial Broussard 2 Feb. 2019 Lafayette LA