we'll always have grand isle!!
So alot of people thought the BP spill in 2010 was devastating which it was, but that's when I met the love of my life!!! I just started bartending at the old Beach Club then switched to the famous Arties Sports Bar. My now fiance (which im still getting used to saying) was working for The Response Group. After a year of knowing one another I asked him to go to a Crossfade concert that was in Houma. And that was the night he asked me to be his girlfriend!!! We have been through lots of trials and tribulations but had the best 4 years I could've ever imagined with him. So on Easter morning he planned for just us to go fishing in Grand Isle, which we didnt catch anything. But we went onto the old bridge to fish. As we decided to move to another fishing spot, I was hooking my line up and Brian was calling my name and as I turned around there he was down on one knee with THE RING!!!! I was so shocked of what was happening. And of course I said yes!! We kissed and hugged and then there were some guys with their kids near us yelling if we just got engaged. We said yes and people started clapping for us. I just thought screw the fishing, lets go tell the family. It was a great way to start a new chapter in our life with the idea of how he proposed. To me he couldn't have done it better. And now to be with the greatest man ever is just amazing. Grand Isle is our place where we met and fell in love and instead of "We'll always have Paris," "We'll always have Grand Isle! !!!