Grand Daugher of a Legened
November of 1953 was my first time in Grand Isle. My brother and mother were both born there along with many aunts, uncles and cousins. My Grandfather Nocess Terrebonne and grandmother Biz Terrebonne were known to everyone on the Island as well as all their 10 children, my mother was Eugenie. My Grandfather was the one who stole the Cheniere Church Bell and my brother wrote the story for the bell and it's replacement back to it's original position. My grandfather also had his picture in the Times Magazine seining the beach. Grand Isle has always been my home and always will be. The happiest times of my life were spent there growing up with my relatives and friends. The cherished memories of the times when there was no electricity, no school and no English spoken, will stay with me, my children and grandchildren throughout our lives. I miss the times we had and when the Island and beach were so beautiful. Like a lot of the women my mothers age, during the war met their husbands and along we came.