Traveling to Grand Isle

For clarification, Grand Isle roads will be open starting tomorrow, Friday, September 10, at 7 am. We do not anticipate closing the roads again unless a major project needs to take place. In such event, we will give everyone prior notice. Additionally, you can bring...

Hurricane Ida Update (9.8.2021)

This afternoon, Town Officials and Emergency Operations Leaders met to discuss the progress of restoration efforts. Teams on the East End have about 10 side streets left to clear. Teams on the West End have about 1 mile left of La 1 and several side streets to clear....

Daily updates

Daily meetings regarding restoration efforts have been moved to 6:00 pm. Public updates will be posted after meetings on the town’s website and Facebook page.

Hurricane Ida Update

Today, Town Officials and Emergency Operations Leaders met to discuss the progress of restoration efforts. The grounds teams have been working to get LA 1 cleared and have made significant progress. The remainder of LA 1 that still needs to be cleared ranges from...